Running in Google Colab#

Google Colab or Colaboratory is a great place to run Jupyter notebooks, with lots of additional features, like GPUs, storage in Github or Google Drive, and access to Google Cloud.

Signing up#

Sign up for Colab Pro account here. You need Colab Pro because you will need to run commands in Terminal.

Connect Colab to GitHub:

  1. Navigate to Go to

  2. In the popup window, sign-in to your Github account and authorize Colab to use GitHub as you

How to use Google Colab with this book#

Throughout the book, when you see a button like this Open In Colab, just click it to open the code automatically in Google Colab.

Initial setup#

You have to go through this every time you launch a new Google Colab runtime. However if you reuse the same runtime this has to be done just once. After that the configuration will be reused.

Open a sample notebook in Google Colab: click this button Open In Colab

Install Python packages#

In Google Colab open Terminal and type the following commands:

# download requirements-colab.txt from GtiHub 

# install the requirement
pip install -r requirements-colab.txt

Create data directory#

In Google Colab Terminal:

rm -rf sample_data
mkdir -p ./data

Configure data access#

In Google Colab Terminal follow the steps in Data Access on Linux to setup data access.